Private Foundation Grants to Public Charities Engaged in Advocacy on Environmental Issues

June 18, 2010

The recent oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico has fouled the wetlands and fisheries of the coastal states raising calls for more regulation of deep water drilling and exploration. Congress is holding hearings on potential legislation. Environmental groups are calling for new and more stringent regulation, if not outright prohibition. However, business-oriented groups are calling for caution on these restrictions because of the world’s energy needs for fossil fuel.

As Congress considers competing interests and drafts potential legislation, nonprofit and charitable organizations that wish to have their voices heard must understand the tax laws to not jeopardize their tax-exempt status. McGuireWoods offers guidance through its white paper Private Foundation Grants to Public Charities Engaged in Advocacy on Environmental Issues that explains IRS tax rules on advocacy and legislative activities, and is prepared to assist you in this complex regulatory area.

McGuireWoods Nonprofit & Tax-Exempt Organizations 

Our Nonprofit and Tax-Exempt Organizations Group provides advice and guidance that enables charities and other nonprofits to operate successfully in the increasingly complicated, regulated, and competitive environment facing nonprofits today.
