Complimentary Webinar
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The lawyers of McGuireWoods’ SEC practice group provide an informative meeting with updates on transactional matters, case law, proposals and other changes in the securities regulatory environment. The June meeting topics and speakers are as follows:
Registered Direct Offerings
A discussion of the Registered Direct Offering transaction structure in contrast to other public offering or private placement structures.
Richard W. Viola, Charlotte
Statute of Limitations in 10b-5 Suits – Merck
A discussion on the Supreme Court’s decision in Merck & Co., Inc. v. Reynolds, where the Court weighed in on the meaning of the statutes of limitations for securities fraud actions, enacted as part of the 2002 Sarbanes-Oxley reforms, effectively eliminating the traditional “inquiry notice” and “storm warnings” tests for accrual in such actions.
Brian E. Pumphrey, Richmond
The Portal Market
A brief overview of how the Portal Market facilitates the capital formation process and secondary trading for privately placed 144A securities.
Jason H. Scott, Charlotte
Delaware Insider Trading Claims – Toll Brothers
A discussion of the recent insider trading case of Pfeiffer v. Toll Brothers, where the Delaware Chancery Court refused to dismiss the case under notions of federal preemption, and where the Court reaffirmed a shareholder’s right to recover from its fiduciaries for harm caused to a Delaware corporation by insider trading.
Christopher M. Cutler, Washington, D.C.
Proposed Revisions to Regulation AB
A brief overview of the SEC’s proposed revisions to rules governing asset-backed securities.
Peter E. Kane, Richmond
Dave Pankey, SEC practice chair, moderator.