London partner Matthew Hall co-hosted the December 11 episode of the ABA’s Our Curious Amalgam podcast: “How Is Gender Relevant to Competition Law? The OECD’s Gender Inclusive Competition Toolkit.”
Gender differences are often overlooked when conducting competition law analysis. How should gender impact the work of competition regulators? Lynn Robertson, Competition Expert at the OECD’s Competition Policy Division and co-author of the OECD’s Gender Inclusive Competition Toolkit, joins Alicia Downey and Matthew Hall to discuss the Toolkit project. Listen to this episode to learn more about the background to the project, the key insights and findings set out in the Toolkit and the OECD’s future work in this area.
Our Curious Amalgam explores topics in antitrust, competition, consumer protection, data protection, and privacy law around the world with leading experts in those areas. It is an amalgam because it is a group of diverse topics all in one place. It is curious because it gets the experts and asks them in-depth questions.
This episode is also available on Apple Podcasts.