Stephanie Kennan

Stephanie A. Kennan Sr. VP, Federal Public Affairs, McGuireWoods Consulting LLC

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Stephanie Kennan helps clients navigate the legislative and executive branches of federal government to solve problems involving a variety of healthcare policy issues. Her work focuses on providers, medical device manufacturers, drug manufacturers and associations concerned about Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement.

Stephanie has been part of virtually every major piece of Medicare and Medicaid legislation passed in the last 25 years, either as a congressional staffer or while representing clients before Congress and the administration. She also regularly represents clients on matters before the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services as well as other agencies within the Department of Health and Human Services. In addition, Stephanie works with private equity investors and portfolio companies to help them understand the implications of healthcare market trends for their investment and business decisions. She was recognized by The Hill as a top lobbyist in 2023 for the third consecutive year.

Stephanie’s experience includes serving as senior health policy advisor to Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) for more than 10 years. During her tenure with Senator Wyden, she managed his extensive healthcare portfolio, including his Budget Committee and Finance Committee healthcare-related work, and drafted the first bipartisan Medicare drug benefit proposal and the senator’s signature healthcare reform legislation, the Healthy Americans Act. She also served as director of federal relations for Maryland’s Department of Health, as assistant director of government affairs for the American College of Emergency Physicians, and as a legislative representative for AARP.

Some of Stephanie’s victories for clients include ensuring the prosthetics industry was exempt from the medical device tax, achieving increased reimbursement for wound care products – after the final regulation had been published – and assisting a state in obtaining a Medicaid 1115 waiver in record time. She also has experience organizing and representing coalitions, and working with state health insurance exchanges. Stephanie was recognized in JD Supra’s 2023 Reader’s Choice awards as the No. 1 healthcare author for the fourth consecutive year. The Reader’s Choice awards are determined by the author’s visibility, reach and reader engagement.

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